That’s not something you achieve by being undistinguished, but we have to look at it with an objective eye. Communities have been built around it, and it actually became a sport, with leagues, money prizes, and the whole lot. What’s important to remember about StarCraft is that it didn’t really fade, as most games do. The result is that StarCraft is still stirring some feelings, but they are mostly about that entire gaming era more than anything. I’m sure that the people who were doing all the rushing will remember it fondly, and players like myself that hated being rushed, have a different memory altogether. We all have different ways of remembering Starcraft. Among the hundreds and hundreds of titles I tried and played over the years, not many stand out, but I would have to say that Starcraft is definitely one of them.

At least for me, it’s a warning sign that either I’ve been played games for way too long or maybe I haven’t played enough. It might seem a little odd to even think about it, but the original Starcraft was released almost 20 years ago. If you played something a couple of decades ago, at a time when it was the best-looking game on the market, and you enjoyed it, there is a good chance that you’ll remember it fondly. The problem with human memory is that that we’re not actually recording things as they were. Games were good or bad, with pretty much nothing in between. StarCraft: Remastered is here and ready to makes us regret the old days of gaming when things were much simpler.